Home » Content manager: what he does, how much he makes and how to become one

Content manager: what he does, how much he makes and how to become one

Content Manager
, o
Digital Content Manager
, is the professional responsible for devising a company’s content strategy and developing and planning digital content (intended for the Web site, blog, social channels and any other digital communication tool).

What does a Content Manager

The main task of the Corporate Content Manager is the
overseeing the entire digital communication process
: defines an effective content strategy, designs and disseminates relevant content, stimulates user/reader engagement, and works to ensure that texts serve to drive traffic and conversions to the company’s website.

Although its role may vary depending on the industry and the size of the enterprise for which it works, it usually
develops content
that is then shared on the
Web site
, on the
and on the
corporate social channels
. Next,
Monitors their performance
, devising strategies to attract traffic and to stimulate user participation.

His tasks may include:

  • the
    Content Audit
    (analysis and evaluation of published content);
  • l’
    analysis of Competitors
  • l’
    conception of a content strategy
  • the definition of the
    Brand Identity
  • the creation, drafting, and publication of the
  • the monitoring of
  • the compilation of the

Especially in smaller entities, the content manager in fact plays several roles: drafting the editorial calendar, developing the content strategy, compiling data reports, managing social media, and writing articles for the blog. All of this, taking care that any content is
relevant, optimized
according to the rules of
SEO copywriting
in line with corporate values

It must therefore identify which keywords competitors have not delved into (or have delved into poorly) and create a Content Strategy aimed at increasing site traffic. Not only that, it must promote a consistent Brand Identity, create a publication calendar in the short term and long term, write content itself or manage a team of Copywriters, and monitor the performance of what is shared using tools such as
Google Analytics
Google Search Console

Content Manager, what skills he must have

His professional skills must include a mastery of the principles underlying the Search Engine Optimization (SEO), of the digital marketing tools but also knowledge of the Content Management System (CMS) most popular and image editing tools.

To find a job as a Content Manager you need to possess precise Hard and Soft Skills:

  • SEO Copywriting and Blogging

  • Data Analysis
  • Basic knowledge of computer programming;
  • strategic planning;
  • Organization and time management;
  • Propensity for leadership.

È essential that a Digital Content Manager knows the
SEO language
to reach the target audience through organic traffic and who can do storytelling. Empathizing with users, and being able to tell a story worth listening to, is the greatest skill I can have.

Data Analysis skills
are instead crucial for analyzing the performance of past editorial strategies, keyword search volumes, and user behaviors. While programming, understood as
Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS
, can be helpful when a Web Developer is not available.

But it’s not just Hard Skills that make the difference between a content manager more or less competent. To work in this area it is indeed necessary to possess transversal skills (so-called soft skills) such as the
ability to manage time and organize oneself
, to recognize priorities, to work in a team and to lead a team, exercising skills of

How do you become a content manager?

To become a content manager, it is advisable to have a
bachelor’s degree in communication sciences
, in
or in a
humanities faculty
. In addition, there are several
specialization courses
(in Content Marketing, in Copywriting, in Web Marketing) and others with a focus on specific aspects of the profession (from storytelling to SEO), also open to those without a degree.

The main preparation, however, comes from the
: studying SEO is of primary importance, but so is
opening a Web site
in which to put the strategies learned into practice can be useful as a testing ground.

Once you have gained the right experience, you can look for work at communication and digital agencies but also at companies and SMEs oriented toward 2.0 communication. Alternatively, one can open a VAT number and work as a freelancer for multiple clients.

salary of a content manager
in Italy is about
2,000 euros gross per month
, to over 30,000 per year as experience increases. In contrast, the earnings of those who work as freelancers are different: if the clients are numerous, and the projects full-bodied, it is possible to exceed 80,000 euros annually.

Want to learn about other high-demand professions in the Digital industry? See the
PHYDpedia encyclopedia
. Here you will find all the updates on the world of work today and in the future.


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