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Social media manager courses: how to find the best ones?

Social media are tools that it is important to know how to use, especially if you work in the field of online marketing. Taking an online course for Social Media Manager (or more generally a course in digital marketing) allows you to acquire fundamental skills in preparation for a professional career in this field.

The options on the web are really numerous, and choosing the online Social Media Marketing course that best suits you can seem complicated. How to do it? Here is a brief guide to choosing.

Social Media Marketing: how to choose the best online course

Unlike an in-person course, an online Social Media Marketing course can be taken whenever you want. There are courses that involve specific activities and online attendance on specific days and times, and others that are more “free” and can be purchased and taken at any time. Which one you choose depends on you and the time you have available. Then consider your level of knowledge: learning from scratch is quite different from wanting to delve into certain aspects of Social Media Marketing, and requires a different approach to study.

Another aspect to consider when choosing which course to take is the curriculum. Social media and digital marketing are such broad topics that, when comparing courses, it can be difficult to compare them. Topics you might find include:

  • how and why to use LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, to name a few;
  • Content marketing vs. relationship marketing;
  • overview of marketing principles (from analyses of competition and audience behavior to the use of Call to Action);
  • How to create content on social: infographics, videos, reels, graphics;
  • Use of keywords and hashtags in content;
  • How to create a social media and digital marketing strategy;
  • How to read Insights.

Make sure the program meets your needs and is not only theoretical but also practical. A good online course for Social Media Manager teaches you how to use social media operationally and exploit its full potential.

Consider whether an assessment tool is provided. If your idea is to work as a social media manager, companies may want to test your knowledge. Some courses evaluate participants periodically, others only at the end: choose the mode of operation that best meets your needs.

You may love challenges and exams, feel confident in presentations, and want to be the first to know the skills learned step by step. Or, you may feel tense about being tested and prefer this to happen only once, at the end of the course.

Finally, ask yourself how much time you want and can devote each week to your online Social Media Marketing course-be realistic and determine what priority learning the foundations of social media marketing has for you.

Free or cheap Social Media Manager course: where to find it?

The range of Social Media Marketing courses on offer is really wide. Linkedin Learning’s Social Media Marketing courses, available on Phyd, are one example. Held in English, some are theoretical and some are more practical. Anson Alexander, among the foremost experts in Social Media, will teach you how to use Facebook Business Suite and Twitter analytics, the best social media automation tools and programs for their analysis (TubeBuddy, Sendible and Tailwind).
More specific courses, on the other hand, focus on how to create a content plan and on learning how to use Facebook, Instagram and other social platforms creatively.
If you prefer to take classes in Italian, you can opt for Udemy’s Social Media Marketing courses. The course “How to Become a Social Media Manager and Earn Big Money,” for example, will teach you the fundamental skills to become a successful social media manager.




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