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Videomaker course: what courses to take to become a videomaker?

Do you want to work in the media and entertainment industry? Probably the profession of video maker is not the first one that comes to mind. But know that, in Italy as well as abroad, this is a job that is in high demand by various companies.
You can work as a videomaker inentertainment, events and sports. You can sell your services to sports clubs, those who organize private or corporate events, those who have a business and intend to make an advertising video, or you can aspire to make documentaries and other personal video projects.

In any case, the question “Who is a video maker?” has only one answer: a video maker is a professional who, usually operating as a freelancer, makes videos with a specific purpose (from telling the story of a wedding to publicizing a product).
But how to locate the videomaker training course to specialize in video-making?

What it takes to become a video maker

Before we focus on which online videomaker course to choose, it is necessary to know that being a videomaker involves a preliminary investment. In fact, to shoot video requires specific equipment. If you are just starting out, you can begin by purchasing a good-quality mirrorless camera (it is an inexpensive and easy-to-use tool), a versatile lens (go for “all-purpose” sizes such as 24-70mm, 16-35mm, 24-105mm or 17-50mm), a capacious memory card, a sturdy video tripod and some filters (e.g., UV and polarizing).
Once you have the right equipment, it’s time to learn how to make the best use of it by choosing the videomaker course that best meets your needs.

How to choose the online video maker course

To become a video maker, training is crucial: it must be both theoretical and practical.
To choose a videomaker training course, it is first necessary to consult the course syllabus. Make sure it includes a lot of practice, that it teaches how to operationally use the necessary equipment; make sure it doesn’t just delve into the basics of video editing and production but also into the more technical aspects of video-making.
Indeed, you need to be able to learn the right shots, the art of storytelling and the use of planes; and then the use of light, the choice of setting, the insertion of audio, the harmonious combination of images with each other, how to insert the soundtrack and speech into the video, editing programs and video-editing techniques.
Phyd’s courses for videomakers are perfect for learning the foundations of this profession. Udemy’s online video making course, for example, teaches everything you need to get started in video making: the preproduction phase, camera setup, the best equipment to start with, technical and logistical set management, what to shoot and what mistakes to avoid.
Also from Udemy comes the course proposal “Workflow for VideoMakers,” reserved for those who already know the basics of video-making. It is in fact a video editing course that allows you to learn the optimal configuration for video-making, organizing folders, selecting clips, grading and color scheme rules, using graphic elements, using music, and exporting videos.
If your goal, however, is to become a filmmaker, or documentary filmmaker, the “Become a Videomaker and Filmmaker” course is a great place to start. Through this course you will learn the characteristics of different types of video (feature, short, reportage, documentary, etc.), the use of lighting, the basics of film photography, and shooting and framing techniques.


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