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Hard Skills: what they are, examples, and which ones to include in the Curriculum

When filling out the Curriculum, there are mainly two types of skills that you need to include: the Hard Skills and the Soft Skills.
While Soft Skills (the soft skills) are more general skills, Hard Skills are specific skills. Every profession requires skills from which you cannot disregard and which you must necessarily possess when you decide to apply for a job position.
The list of Hard Skills includes, for example, knowledge of languages, knowledge on the use of specific digital tools, and other technical skills related to one’s field of work.

Hard Skills: examples and what they are

Hard Skills are measurable and verifiable skills. They are generally learned during the course of study and through experience in the field.
A hotel receptionist must, for example, know English while the Front End Developer must master programming languages; the truck driver must have a driver’s license, and so on.
It is necessary for these skills to be indicated in the Curriculum precisely because of their importance.
To identify them, make a detailed list of what you can do, your educational background, your work experience, and the certificates and certifications you have received.
Try to emphasize in the CV especially the technical skills you master in relation to the role for which you are applying. You can help you figure out which ones are best by identifying those listed in the Job Description. Generally you will find the Hard Skills in the “Required Requirements” section of the ad.
Include them in the Curriculum Vitae by trying to categorize them: put theoretical skills under “Vocational Education and Training” and devote an ad hoc space to technical and practical skills.
They may fall under the list of Hard Skills:

  • knowledge of one or more foreign languages: for each language indicate your level of proficiency;
  • The ability to use machinery for specific production and processing;
  • Mastery of programming languages (HTML, Python, PHP, etc.);
  • knowledge of SEO and SEM logic, for those involved in Digital Marketing;
    The ability to edit and videomaking;
  • Knowledge of Social Media and Web Advertising.

What Hard Skills are most in demand?

Although every specific skill is useful, there are Hard Skills that-at work-are more expendable than others.
First, language proficiency. English is now required by almost all companies, but there are many other languages it is useful to know for work purposes: Mandarin (the world’s second-largest idiom), Spanish, German, and Arabic.
Other Hard Skills in high demand are computer skills: basic ones are needed for most tasks but, depending on the role, the use of specific programs or knowledge of particular programming languages may be required.
Finally, looking at what are the most in-demand professions in today’s market (Robotic Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, Cloud Architect, Data Engineer, Sustainability Manager, etc.) we find professionals with precise Hard Skills: programming languages for those who intend to work as backend programmers; Data Mining, Statistical Analysis and Malware Analysis skills for those who aspire to become Cyber security Specialists; or sales skills, which prove to be as crucial for retail salespeople as for figures such as Client Managers.
Sometimes, however, highlighting one’s Hard Skills is not so easy. In this regard, Phyd’s experts can help you. Our coaches will help you reach your full potential, enabling you to better define your goals while Phyd’s mentors can support you in revising your CV to present yourself to companies in the way that will impress them most.


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