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Affiliate marketing courses: which ones are the best?

Affiliatemarketing is a strategy for achieving online profit through the promotion of tracked links. But how does affiliate marketing work and what are the best courses to learn the basics?

Affiliate marketing: what it is and how it works

Affiliate marketing, also called affiliation, is a business arrangement between an advertiser-the company that sells a product/service-and an affiliate (also called a publisher)-the person who advertises the advertiser’s product/service. Through this marketing strategy, the affiliate earns a commission on the product sold by the company. How? Promoting that product and receiving a share of the profit from each sale generated through its sponsorship. Online sales are also tracked through affiliate links.
But how to start Affiliate Marketing? In order for Affiliate Marketing to be done, three parties must be involved:

● The seller of the product or service;
● the affiliate;
● the consumer.

The affiliate’s role is to promote the seller’s product/service.
It can be a travel blogger promoting a hotel property, but also a news site publishing news in line with the advertiser’s sales sector. In any case, it is necessary for it to be an authoritative voice and for its content to be useful to the user.
How to become an affiliate, then? The first thing to remember is: do not improvise. Whether you decide to start a blog or a social profile, tell your story and talk about what you know. Outline a precise strategy, be consistent in your publications, take care of every detail of your content (from images to tone of voice).
Once you have determined your target audience, identify what is most useful to them: reviews, buying guides, tutorials, how-to guides. Finally, after you have created a community that interacts with your publications and follows your posts, choose which affiliate program to use. The affiliate platform allows tracking of the activity performed by the affiliate and reporting of payments between advertiser and publisher.

What are the best online affiliate marketing courses?

Affiliate marketing courses are a great starting point for those who want to learn online affiliate marketing. However, the options are so numerous that choosing the right course can become difficult. Here are some tips to guide you to the best course for you:

● set an expense budget, but don’t just consider cost: consult the program and inquire about the teacher;
● read reviews and testimonials;
● if the teacher ‘s name is listed, check his or her CV online;
● make sure the program meets your needs;
● check if it is a purely theoretical course, or if it teaches how to use specific affiliate programs and/or work with Amazon;
● choose the ideal formula: for example, opt for an Affiliate Marketing course in video format, which you can purchase and attend whenever you want.

Phyd’s Affiliate Marketing courses are perfect if you want to learn the basics of affiliate business. For example, among the most comprehensive offerings is Udemy’s Affiliate Marketing course, which addresses the topic from a practical and theoretical perspective. You will learn to:

● make affiliations with Amazon, Siteground, Elementor and Iubenda;
● integrate affiliate services into WordPress;
● Promote products and services on social media.

Instead, the Affiliate Marketing with Amazon and WordPress course, also offered by Udemy, teaches you how to:

● Select the best Amazon products to promote on your affiliate website;
● Making an Affiliate Marketing site with WordPress;
● Draw up a functional editorial plan for earning through affiliation;
● Write effective content to stimulate users to purchase;
● Develop an effective working method and optimize your membership site for SEO.

If you prefer lessons in English, you will find Linkedin Learning’s Affiliate Marketing course organized by Sam Dey, among the leading experts on the subject of affiliations, very useful. You will be able to see if affiliate marketing is right for you.


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